
Fees & Refunds

  • Payment Terms and Schedule

    Please note all fees mentioned in the website are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

    RPL/Credit transfer may reduce your course duration and fees if applied 2 weeks prior to the acceptance into the course

    Additional cost and Fee Exclusions:

    Please refer to the Fees Schedule listed on this document.

    Payment Schedule

    1. A semester tuition fee payment schedule is arranged with each student. This is as per the letter of offer unless varied in consultation with student.
    2. Students who wish to vary this payment schedule should make a formal request and have a new payment schedule drawn.
    3. All payments need to be made to Salford College nominated bank account. All receipts of payments need to be forwarded to accounts@salfordcollege.edu.au

    Payment should be forwarded by bank transfer using the reference number on the first page of offer Letter.

    Account Name: Salford College

    BSB: 035039
    Account Number: 288734
    Swift Code: WPACAU2S
    Bank: Westpac Bank

    Tuition fees must otherwise be paid in the form of a bank draft or bank cheque, and made payable to the “Salford College.”

    Paying in Person: Admissions Center Level 11,68 Grenfell St, Adelaide South Australia 5000. No cash is accepted in any other  campus.

    NOTE: All payments associated with courses should be paid directly to Salford College. The College is not responsible for any monies you pay to a third party.

    NOTE:  Students will not be issued a certificate or statement of attainment if fees or other payments are outstanding.

    Before paying any monies, please familiarise yourself with Salford College’s Refund Policy and Procedure as listed below. This policy is also a part of terms and conditions of enrollment as a part of your letter of offer. It is also available in the student handbook.

  • Fees and Refund Policy

    Fees and Refund Policy:

    • The request for refund is made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer using Fee Refund Policy and Application (salfordcollege.edu.au) or can be requested from the Admin Center of Salford College.
    • Salford College’s Refund Policy observes the principles outlined in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and The National Code and applies to all new and re-enrolling students unless otherwise stated.
  • Policy Definitions

    International Student – a student granted an international student visa to study in Australia.

    Local International Student – a student granted an initial visa to attend another Australian educational institution and wants to extend or change the conditions to that visa by enrolling at Salford College.

    Local Student – a student who is an Australian Citizen and/or permanent resident enrolled at the Institute.

    Student – any student enrolled at Salford College

    Packaged Course – where a student is enrolled in a package of courses at the Institute

    Census Date– Date on which part of full fees becomes non refundable

    Tuition Fees– The tuition fees is a compulsory academic fees payable by the student to Salford College. It excludes all other fees (administration, Material, late, resit etc)

    Course Material/study fees– Fees charged for the cost of providing course material, resource material, that are retained by the student at the end of study

    Application/Enrollment  Fees– A nonrefundable fees charged for providing admin support and services to students at time of enrollment

    Withdrawal from the course– Withdrawal refers to student’s withdrawal from the course prior to commencement, or post commencement. Fees refund policy will apply for all such cases.

  • Defaults

    Institute Default occurs when:

    1. The course does not begin on the agreed commencement date – or –
    2. The course ceases to be provided at any time after it commences but before it is completed; or (c) the course is not provided in full to a Student because a sanction has been imposed on the Institute.

    Student Default occurs when any of the following happens:

    1. A Student not commencing a course on the agreed start date;
    2. A Student cancelling their enrollment in a course (this includes an abandonment of the course before its completion);
    3. A Student failing to pay an amount he or she was liable to pay to the provider, directly or indirectly, in order to undertake a course;
    4. Student breaching a condition of his or her student visa; or
    5. Misbehavior by a Student including, but not limited to, offensive conduct of an extreme nature, fraudulent conduct or physical assault.

    Fraudulent Student Conduct:

    Subject to all normal provisions of s47E of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth), the following will apply to fraudulent conduct related to application for enrollment at Salford College:

    If, at any time, Salford College uncovers evidence that a student, negligently or willfully, submitted documents which were misleading or fraudulent in nature, the student’s enrollment will be cancelled, and all prepaid fees will be forfeited to the College accordingly.

    (The decision of DHA will be final on these matters)

    Note. In event of student default, the college has a refund policy which clearly stipulates the terms and conditions of refund.

    The request for refund is made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer using Fee Refund Policy and Application (Form 15, on the website). The Application Fee is not refundable in any scenario.

    In the event of Student Default:

    Before the commencement date

    1. If a Student cancels their enrollment before the commencement date of a course and requests a refund:
      1. 10 weeks or more prior to the course commencement – a refund of 100% of monies for tuition fees for semester 1 will be issued to the student;
      2. Between 9 weeks (Census Date)  to 4 weeks prior to the course commencement – a refund of 50% of monies for tuition fees for semester 1 will be issued to the student, and all tuition fees collected in advance for subsequent semesters;
    • 4 full weeks or less prior to course commencement – no refund will be issued.
    1. If a student withdraws from a course after the course starts that semester’s tuition fee will be recoverable from the student.
    2. If a student does not commence (i.e. doesn’t arrive or has not arranged with us for a later start because of health or verifiable compassionate reason) then that semester’s tuition fee stands forfeited.
    3. If a student’s enrollment is terminated after course commencement as a result of a serious breach of student visa conditions or Salford College’s policies where the student has paid the fees for one or more semesters in advance, the student will receive no refund of the current semester.
    4. Where a refund is approved by the Chief Executive Officer and is not due to the College defaulting, Salford College will make payment of refunds within 28 days of receipt of application for refund. Salford College will give the student a statement that explains how the refund amount has been worked out.
    5. If there is a Student Default, after the agreed start date of a course no refund will be issued to the Student. This includes all monies paid or scheduled to be paid to the institute for airport pick-up, accommodation booking and board.
    6. In accordance with the Student Enrollment Agreement, the Institute reserves the right to invoice the student the portion of fees owed by the student for services received from the Institute.
    7. This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
    8. No refund will be issued to any Student who deferred their enrollment after the commencement date.
    9. Packaged course offers
    10. Students enrolled in a package of courses seeking a refund after any other course other than their principal course of study, but prior to completing six months of their principal course will be considered to have defaulted after the commencement date and will be dealt with in accordance with as above
    11. Where a Student enrolled in a Package of Courses is eligible for a refund, the refund amount will be calculated based on each individual course Fee.
      1. If the initial visa is not granted (all cases but cases identified as fraud by DHA), a refund of course fees received by the Institute less the application/enrollment fee will be issued to the International Student within 28 days of the written request.
      2. The written request must be in the Institute approved form with proof of visa refusal attached.
      3. Without proof of refusal from the DHA a refund will not be granted
      4. In case of visa refusal owing to fraud identification by DHA, the college reserves the right to forfeit the deposit paid by the student.
        1. This fund can be used for any legal expenses in pursuit of loss of reputation and ranking due to the fraud identified
        2. This fund can be used for indemnifying the college against any losses it might suffer due to the potential loss of Salford College risk rating

    Local International Student

    If the extension to visa is not granted, a refund of course fees received by the Institute will be issued to the Local International Student less the following:

    1. application fee
    2. Portion of fees payable from the student for services received from the Institute for current study period
    3. Prescribed amounts relating to expenses that Salford College incurred on behalf of the student for the course, before the commencement date, within 28 days of the written request.
    4. The date for such calculation will be from the date Student gives written confirmation of such a refusal to the College authorised email account (admin@salfordcollege.edu.au)

    However, no refunds will be granted where

    an international student currently in Australia has their student visa cancelled for a breach of visa conditions

    This agreement does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

    Institute Default

    Refunds after Salford College Default

    1. If Salford College defaults, then all the unused portion of pre-paid fees paid will be refunded within 14 days after the default day.

    Salford College defaults if the course

    1. Does not start on the agreed starting day and student has not been offered any alternate date,
    2. Stops being provided after it starts and before it is completed or
    3. Is not provided fully to the student because Salford College has had sanctions imposed.
    1. The college will within 3 business days:

    Notify the secretary or delegate and TPS director

    And inform the student.

    1. Within 14 days

    Either offer the student an alternative place at the college expenses that is accepted by the student in writing


    Refund the student the unused portion of the pre-paid fees

    1. And notify the secretary of the delegate and TPS director of the outcome of the college default within 7 days of the obligation period
  • Additional Fees

    3.2.1 Fees are payable as agreed with Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College and documented in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer. The balance of fees is to be paid on the basis of payment plan program that is scheduled and agreed upon in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer.

    Payment Schedule

    3.2.2 Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College may restrict or withhold services or materials from learners if fees are overdue.

    3.2.3 Students are required to pay the following fees as applicable:

    1. a) Application/enrolment fee (non- refundable)
    2. b) Tuition Fees, as per letter of offer
    3. c) Material Fees, as per letter of offer
    4. d) Accommodation,
    5. e) Airport Pickup , and
    6. f) Any other fees outlined in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement) and attached schedule of fees for students.

    3.2.4 Applicants must at minimum pay the following fees in order to secure their enrolment at Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College:

    1. a) A specified pre-payment tuition fees (this will be no more than 50% of the total course fees for overseas students) unless student choses to pay the whole amount unless the course is less than a semester
    2. b) Application/enrolment Fee
    3. c) Material Fees

    3.2.5 Payment particulars:

    1. a) Students must pay the Application/Enrolment Fee, otherwise the application will not be processed.
    2. b) Enrolment, Accommodation and Airport Pickup Fees are non-refundable.
    3. c) Students must pay all associated Course Fees as per the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement) and Fee Schedule, otherwise students will not be allowed to continue study.
    4. d) Course Tuition fees can be paid in Full at the start of the course, or in Advance by term or in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Enrolment Agreement.
    5. e) Course Tuition Fees will not be transferred to another provider unless requested and approved, should a Transfer of Provider request be approved.
    6. f) A Refund of any fee will only be processed in accordance with the Refund Policy.


    Fees during the enrollment period (subject to change during the course)

    Application Fees per Course/CoE$350.00
    Application Fees per Course/CoE BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management Learning and BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership$500.00
    RPL assessment (per unit of competency)$250.00
    Late Submission of Assessment after the due date$100.00
    Administration fee (Credit Transfer Application fees/CoE Variation, RPL application, Transfer of Course/provider fees etc.)$250.00
    Catch up for each unit$100-$300
    First Time Re-sit (theory/Practical)$125/200
    Second Time Re-sit (theory/Practical)$200/275
    Third Time Re-sit (theory/practical)$400/450
    First Time Re-sit (theory/Practical) Carpentry$125/250
    Second Time Re-sit (theory/Practical) Carpentry$200/325
    Third Time Re-sit (theory/practical) Carpentry$400/450
    Re-issue of CoE$25.00
    Airport pick up (from Airport to College campus in that city) Adelaide. Sydney$75.00 $150.00
    Replacement Certificate/page$20.00
    Late payment fees of $35.00 per week or 2% of outstanding fees payable will be applied after the due date$35.00
    Bank dishonor fee$35.00
    Additional statement of attainment (one statement of attainment will be provided free of charge)$50.00
    Set up/Change fee for payment plan$100.00
    Admin Charges for processing each payment as per installment plan (unless direct debit)$20.00
    Administration and processing fee for health insurance arranged by Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College$20.00
    Certificate issuance after 3 months of CoE/Course completion$100.00
    Postage of Certificates$15.00
    Replacement ID card$10.00
    Academic support class (per two-hour class)No charge
    Moderation on appeal (per assessment task per unit)No charge
    “One-on-one” mentoring (per hour)No charge
    Credit Transfer Application Fees (Administration Fees)/Course$250.00
    Credit Transfers (within 14 days before commencement of course)No Charge
    Fees Schedule updated as of 24.06.24. Current students will have this new fee applicable after 01 July 2024

    The additional fees identified above, may, however, be subject to increase.  Notices will be placed throughout the Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College campus locations and floors to notifying students if any of these fees are to increase.  Students will be provided with four weeks’ notice of the intention to increase any of these fees.

    Students are informed on the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer that tuition fees will not increase during their period of enrollment at Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College with a current valid CoE.

  • Refunds

    Refund General Provisions

    1. No refunds will be paid to a third party unless it is indicated and signed as a sworn affidavit at the time the refund application is lodged, that any refunds due are payable to a third party.
    2. Salford College’s dispute resolution processes do not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies.
    3. This agreement and the availability of the complaints and appeals processes do not remove the right of either party to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws for unpaid and overdue fees.
    4. The refund policy is subject to review from time to time.
    5. The refund process reflects the commitment by Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College to hold places as booked by students and the amount of administrative resources consumed at the various stages.
    6. Refunds must be requested in writing to the CEO of Salford College.
    7. The CEO of Salford College will process refund requests and if approved, arrange payment within 28 days
    8. Refunds will be paid in equivalent to received Australian Dollars into the nominated bank account.
    9. All requests for refund will be processed on an individual basis, taking into account impact on follow on units /modules if applicable.
    10. The term “commencement” in this policy refers to the first day of the program to be attended by the student.
    11. Issues with regard to payment are to be handled at the first available opportunity and directed to the CEO of Salford College.
    12. Complaints and Appeal policy can be used for any appeal against the ruling of the college.
    13. All refund requests are conditional on the following
      1. Salford College must have received the funds in their nominated accounts as per letter of offer
      2. any debts to Salford College must have been paid in full for the outstanding amounts due
    14. a $250 administration fee will be applied for the refund request submitted to the Accounts Department.

    Refund Procedure

    The request for refund is made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer using Fee Refund Policy and Application. The Application Fee  is not refundable in any scenario.

    Written notice of withdrawal received with supporting documentsRefund on tuition fees for the semester (Fees as per signed acceptance form)
    Salford College cancels course before commencementFull refund of all fees
    Salford College cancels course following commencement

    Full refund of all unspent fees calculated as follows:

    Weekly tuition fee multiplied by the weeks in the default period (calculated from the date of default). 

    Salford College has not provided a Student Agreement that meets the requirements of the National Code 2018.


    Full refund of all unspent fees calculated as follows:

    Weekly tuition fee multiplied by the weeks in the default period (calculated from the date of default). 

    Student withdraws up to 10 weeks prior to course commencement.

    Application fee not refunded.  

    Refund of all other fees and charges as well as unspent Material Fees.

    Student withdraws between 9 weeks to 4 weeks prior to course commencement.

    Application fee not refunded. 

    Refund of 50% other fees for semester 1, as well as unspent Material Fees.

    Student withdraws less than 4 weeks prior to course commencement.

    Application fee not refunded. 

    No refund. Fees for full study period (semester 1) to be paid

    The student does not commence on the agreed start date and has not previously withdrawn.No refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.
    Student withdraws after commencement.No refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.
    Student’s enrolment is cancelled due to disciplinary action.No refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.
    Student breaches a visa conditionNo refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.
    The student has supplied incorrect or incomplete information causing Salford College   to withdraw the offer of the course prior to commencement.No refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.
    The student is refused a visa because they did not pay start their course at the agreed location on the agreed starting day or they withdrew from their course with Salford College, or they did not pay an amount due.

    No refund. Fees for full study period (semester) to be paid.


    The student is refused a visa and therefore does not commence their course on the agreed starting day or withdraws from the course on or before the agreed starting day because of the visa refusal.The total amount of all course fees (tuition and any non-tuition fees) received or less whichever is the lower amount of 5% of the total amount of the fees or the sum of $500.
  • General Rules

    Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College charge a variety of fees and charges for its courses.

    Tuition fees for all courses must be paid at least six weeks prior to the commencement of each semester.

    If a student wants to withdraw from the course, he should give at least one clear term notice before the next semester begins.

    Salford College reserves the right to withhold certificates and results until all due payment are made.

    Salford College reserves the right to refuse a student’s re-enrollment if accounts are not paid by the due date. The college reserves the right to bar the student to attending classes in case of non-payment of outstanding fees (including non-tuition fees charged like late fees, resit fees, resource fees etc) as per the invoices raised and given to the student.

    Salford College reserves the right to forward the defaulting students name and details to its debt collectors’ agency (an external arm) for collection of overdue payments. The resulting cost may be passed on to the defaulting student.

    Salford College may list the defaulting student for credit watch on organ stations like VEDA. This may adversely impact your ability to apply for any credit.

    Fees and charges are published and available online via Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College’s website.

    Students are notified in their Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement) of all fees and charges, including that these are subject to change.

    Payments including fee deposits are not accepted from overseas students until Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College receives their signed and completed Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement).

    Tuition Fees

    1. Tuition fees (see Fees Schedule for current amount) Tuition fees DO cover the charges for tuition administration.
    2. Tuition fees means the payment agreed to on the letter of offer for the course or any subsequent variations to the course offer in writing
    3. Tuition fees DO NOT cover other charges like , accommodation, living expenses, textbooks, uniforms, stationery, equipment, late submission fees, Resit fees, late payment fees and any external consultations or examinations.
    4. Due date – Tuition fees for vocational courses must be paid at least six weeks prior to the commencement of each semester. A late fee of $35.00 or 2% of outstanding semesters fees due per week is levied on students for late payment of course fees each time student does not pay by the date payment is due and College reserves the right to cancel the enrollment if fees are not paid by due date. A payment plan drawn to make the payments for the semester cannot be used for no payments due by the student.
    5. If a student wants to withdraw from the course, he should give at least one term notice before the next semester begins
    6. Salford College reserves the right to withhold certificates and results until payment of all fees and stationery has been made.
    7. Student will pay the same amount of tuition fees agreed at the time of enrollment until completion of the course.
    8. Salford College reserves the right to refuse a student’s re-enrollment if accounts are not paid by the due date. The college reserves the right to bar the student to attending classes in case of non-payment of outstanding fees (including non-tuition fees charged like late fees, resit fees, resource fees etc) as per the invoices raised and given to the student.
    9. Rescheduling of any course or unit of competency may incur variations in fees and charges such as an increase to be paid or an amount to be refunded
    10. Enrolling in a new course, course variations and any changes to course enrollment will incur any new fees.
    11. In the event a student abandons the course, all fees due are payable
    12. Salford College reserves the right to forward the defaulting students name and details to its debt collectors agency (an external arm) for collection of overdue payments. The resulting cost may be passed on to the defaulting student.
    13. Salford College may list the defaulting student for credit watch on organ stations like VEDA. This may adversely impact your ability to apply for any credit.
    14. Salford College reserves the right to make the following variations: to vary course timetable, to vary course content, to vary lecturing personnel, to vary the cost of course and to cancel a course.
    15. The student must attend all classes, examinations and course excursions and abide by the rules and regulations of the college that are in force at all times.
    16. Salford College reserves the right to withdraw any students whose conduct and/or behaviour is not acceptable to the college or failure to follow the rules and regulations

    Payment Schedule:

    All payments are due as per the letter of offer and accepted by the student. This payment plan can be varied if the students applies for a different plan and the plan is accepted by Salford College. A Payment Plan does not absolve the student from commitment to the payment of the fees for the current or any subsequent semester/course.

    If the course is less or equivalent to one study period (one semester/24-26 weeks), 100% of the course fees must be paid prior to the commencement of the course.

    If the course duration is more than one study period (one semester/24-26 weeks) then first semester fees must be paid prior to the commencement of the course in addition to the administration and material fees.

    If the student enrolls into packaged courses or multiple courses, the course fees for the first semester is payable prior to the commencement of the course in addition to the administration and material fees for each subsequent course offer as detailed in the letter of offer.

    Fees and Charges:

    Fees are payable as agreed with Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College and documented in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer. The balance of fees is to be paid on the basis of payment plan program that is scheduled and agreed upon in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer.
    Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College may restrict or withhold services or materials from learners if fees are overdue.

    Students are required to pay the following fees as applicable:
    a) Application/enrollment fee (non- refundable)
    b) Tuition Fees, as per letter of offer
    c) Material Fees, as per letter of offer
    d) Accommodation,
    e) Airport Pickup , and
    f) Any other fees outlined in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement) and attached schedule of fees for students.

    Applicants must at minimum pay the following fees in order to secure their enrollment at Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College:
    a) A specified pre-payment tuition fees (this will be no more than 50% of the total course fees for overseas students) unless student chooses to pay the whole amount unless the course is less than a semester
    b) Application/enrollment Fee
    c) Material Fees

    Payment particulars:

    a) Students must pay the Application/Enrollment Fee, otherwise the application will not be processed.
    b) Enrollment, Accommodation and Airport Pickup Fees are non-refundable.
    c) Students must pay all associated Course Fees as per the Letter of Offer and Acceptance (Written Agreement) and Fee Schedule, otherwise students will not be allowed to continue study.
    d) Course Tuition fees can be paid in Full at the start of the course, or in Advance by term or in accordance with the schedule outlined in the Enrollment Agreement.
    e) Course Tuition Fees will not be transferred to another provider unless requested and approved, should a Transfer of Provider request be approved.
    f) A Refund of any fee will only be processed in accordance with the Refund Policy.

    Fee Increase: 

    Students are informed on the Letter of Offer and Acceptance of Offer that tuition fees will not increase during their period of enrolment at Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd T/A Salford College.

    Fee schedule is attached as tabled Error! Reference source not found., however is subject to increase. Students will be notified of any such increase giving them a four weeks’ notice


    Should the student experience financial difficulties or encounter unforeseen circumstances where payment of fees cannot be made, then the student may request an extension of fees by submitting a request via email to accounts@salfordcollege.edu.au or student support officer at the college in writing.

    This request must be received prior to the fee due date. If the form is not received by the due date, then the student will be subject to late payment fees, regardless of whether an extension has been granted.

    Applying for a fee extension does not guarantee that an extension will be granted.

    If an extension is approved, then a revised payment schedule will be determined.

    Students can apply to pay the fees in installments. Such application has to be approved and will incur a fee.

    Any payment made in installments will incur a payment fees unless it is on direct debit.


    Should a student not pay the required fees by the due date and has not submitted and had approved a Fee Extension Request , then a late fee will be imposed. This is as per the fees and charges on the Terms and Conditions of Enrollment.

    Should a payment plan be entered into, the due date is the date of the agreed installment due date, should a student fail to pay any installment on time the overdue fees will apply to each installment that is late.


    The failure to pay any owed fee or late payment may result in the cancellation of the student’s enrollment.

    Default by student: Students will be given a warning letter. If payment remains outstanding this will result in a letter of demand. If payment remains outstanding, any payment plan may be cancelled and a Notice to cancel enrollment may be issued. In the event of future defaults, student may be immediately cancelled from courses without a further Notice of Intent to cancel student’s enrollment.

    In the event that a final notice to cancel CoE, the student shall have 20 days to access the Complaints and Appeals process. (refer to complaints and appeal policy)

    The course fees is listed on CRICOS website. The prices may vary according to specials offered by the college. At no times the fees can be more than listed on CRICOS website:
    Institution Details – Bandicoot Group Pty Ltd

    Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfers

    1. Students are encouraged to apply for RPL/CT as a part of their application. Any such application has to be put in within 14 days of commencement of their course to be considered.
    2. This may impact the duration of a course or the fees.
    3. Any application put in after 14 days of commencement will not be considered for fee or course duration reduction. 

    Resit and Gap Training fees

    Please refer to the college policy on resit and gap training fees

    A late fee of $35.00 or 2% of balance of semester fees is levied on students for late payment of course fees each time student does not pay by the date payment is due. Students with outstanding course fees will not be able to participate in any lessons unless approved by accounts.

    Student’s re-sitting for the assessments for the first time (gap training) would be charged $125.00 for theory assessments, $200.00 for practical assessments in Kitchen management and $250 for practical assessments in Carpentry.
    Students re-sitting for the assessments for the second time (gap training) will incur a fee of $200.00 for theory assessments, $275.00 for practical assessments in Kitchen management and $325 for practical assessments in Carpentry.to attend a subsequent assessment.
    Students failing to be competent after 2 resit attempts, may be offered a final gap training session upon the completion of the course if your intervention strategy allows for this. This will incur a fee of $400.00 for theory and $450 for the practical session. Further to this the student might have to repeat the whole unit again and will be charged for the whole unit the price of which can be obtained from the student support officer.
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