
School Programs


Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus. The college is committed to providing the best quality in vocational training and helping the students throughout their career pathway.

Having many industry relations, Salford College helps the students find the best places for their work experience during their course. For those who are keen to progress toward their career, we are also happy to find the right  industry match for them to be undertaken as an apprentice or trainee.

Salford College has fully funded courses by the South Australian Government. We are a preferred provider for Schools as approved by the government of South Australia which is a testimony of our quality work done with the school students over so many years.

Studying VET in School - VETiS (South Australia)

VET can help you kick start your career while you’re still at school, and can even count towards your SACE.

Vocational education and training (VET) courses are available to students while they are still at school. This is often referred to as VETiS.

Salford College offers a range of courses as full qualifications or skill sets in consultation with the schools and industry for school students under a funding approved agreement by the SA Government.

Salford college has access to the South Australian Government’s Skilled Career Program, meaning the Government will pay the tuition fees for selected courses for eligible students. The South Australian Government’s Skilled Careers program is designed to link training to employment outcomes by funding training that is linked to work placement and real job opportunities across the  state. Click this link to know more about the program.

How Does It Work?

There are a few different ways you can study VET while you’re at school:

  1. A school-based apprenticeship (Fully Funded)
  2. VET courses offered through your school (full qualification or some units of competency) (fully funded)
  3. Starting a course that will help you get your SACE, and that you’ll keep studying once you’ve finished school (self funded or school funded)

Students can gain additional SACE points and further their ATAR score on successful completion of a full Certificate iii qualification. 

For further information regarding SACE recognition refer to 

VET Recognition Register | VET Coordinators | VET | SACE – Vocational Education and Training – South Australian Certificate of Education

Recognition Arrangements for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the SACE Policy

Enrolment Process
  • consult your VET coordinator 
  • Choose a suitable course from our website
  • Create or find your USI by registering online
  • Fill up an online application form on our website
  • Submit the completed form with an ID online
  • You will be invited for a LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy) test and an information session to ensure that Salford College can support you through the program
  • Confirm that you have access to a computer (preferable laptop/tablet) with a current operating system as well as internet
  • Sign the training plan and  acceptance form (to be signed by VET coordinator if school funded)
School Holiday Programs

Some of our current school students come from :

  • Paralowie R-12School
  • Parafield Garden High School
  • Salisbury High School
  • NASSSA Group of Schools
  • Playford International
  • Craigmore High School
  • Adelaide High School
  • St.Michael’s College
  • Glenunga International High School
  • St.Peter’s College
  • Prince Alfred College
  • University Senior College
Why Train With Salford College?

A few of the reasons are listed below.

  • Students can start the programs from Year 10 and progress to year 12 gaining valuable SACE points from Certificate ii to Certificate iii programs
  • Students can progress to Salford College Certificate iv or Diploma programs should they choose to after year 12
  • Students can also participate in an apprenticeship or traineeship while doing VET in schools.
  • Get valuable SACE points under stage 2 for certain courses
  • Get maximum credits for SACE upon completion of a Certificate iii qualification.

Our real strength is in our industry placements – all our trainers currently work within the industry so we are able to offer high quality industry placements for all our students. Some of our key industry partners include the Intercontinental Hotel, Stamford Grand, Hilton International, Hotel Grand Chancellor and others.

Our industry relations are also a great advantage when it comes to finding the right trainees and apprentices as we’re able to help our star students find the right place to continue their career pathway.

We also have the opportunity to offer schools guest speakers / industry tours re: Business, Management, Hospitality and Kitchen Operations to compliment the training we offer.

As a low risk RTO preferred provider, we provide the perfect choice when it comes to helping students decide their VET studies and career.

Case Study - Paralowie R - 12 School

Salford College has, for the past eight years, run the Kitchen Operations (Cert.ll), Hospitality (Cert.lll) for the NASSSA group of schools. Every year around 35 students successfully complete their programs, which represents a completion rate of over 95%.

Feedback has also been extremely positive from schools. Staff teaching in adjoining areas provided very positive reports about the quality of training and the professional approach of the trainers. In particular the teachers noted the student’s engagement and relationship with the trainers. This was also reinforced by the absence of any student behaviour management issues. 

” At an administrative level, host schools were impressed with the details that were handled before courses began – such as the development of clear behaviour management strategies that worked within school structures, visits and equipment checks by Salford staff, support to purchase required equipment and pre-arrangement around ICT access, software and hardware.” 

The Principal of Paralowie High School was delighted with the result and participation of students offered by Salford College”

Please view NASSSA video which refers to courses we deliver in their facilities

Click here to view our NASSSA video about Hospitality Courses

Feedback from students has been overwhelmingly positive. Given that the training’s purpose was to provide support for ‘At Risk’ students, near 100% attendance was an excellent outcome.

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Carpentry & Construction
School Programs

Win It Like Stephanie

Stephanie Verrall from Paralowie R-12 school completed her Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Salford was awarded SA’s 2020 School-based Apprentice of the Year. Do you want to be like Stephanie?

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Looking For A Quality VETiS Provider?

Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus.

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