
Student Visas & Health Cover


A student visa is a permit given to you by the Australian Department of Home Affairs that outlines the conditions under which you are permitted to reside in Australia.

Most student visas require that:

    • you have been accepted into a recognised course of study
    • you are able to support yourself financially during your stay
    • you meet certain health requirements and have appropriate health insurance.

While studying in Australia, you must meet continue to satisfy the requirements for grant of your visa. This means for example that your main course of study must continue to be a course in the education sector that matches your visa. You must also apply for a visa renewal before expiry of your current visa and you must not overstay your visa. This means that you should leave when you have completed your course.

The student visa application process and the information that you will need to supply with your application is dependent on the specific assessment level of your visa application.

All international students are expected to abide by the conditions of GTE (genuine temporary entrants)

For more information on studying in Australia, go to dha website

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Health Cover

Australia has a very modern and efficient health care system. It is subsidized by the Australian Government.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a type of insurance that allows you to use the Australian healthcare system and it covers the majority of costs for any medical or hospital care which you may need while studying in Australia. It will also pay for some prescription drugs and emergency ambulance transport.

If you are an international student studying in Australia, you must purchase an approved OSHC policy from a registered health benefits organisation – commonly referred to as health funds — before applying for your visa. You will need to buy OSHC before you come to Australia, to cover you from when you arrive. You will also need to maintain OSHC throughout your stay in Australia.

It is a requirement of DEEWR that the student visa holders must have Overseas Student Health Cover. Below here are few private overseas student health cover providers for your perusal.

  • Insurance Providers
    Health InsurerInsurers website
    Australian Health Managementwww.ahm.com.au
    BUPA Australiawww.overseasstudenthealth.com
    Medibank Privatewww.medibank.com.au
    NIB OSHCwww.nib.com.au
    Allianz Carewww.oshcworldcare.com.au
  • Doctor Visits

    If you get sick, you may have to go and see a doctor. In Australia, you do not go to a hospital unless you are seriously ill. You go to your local doctor who will have a surgery near your house. Surgery hours usually start from 9:00 am and the surgery may be open all day. When you arrive, the receptionist will ask you for your Medibank Private Membership card or book. Don’t forget to take your Medibank Private Membership card when you go to the doctor’s surgery. If you cannot leave the house, you can ring the Doctor’s receptionist and make an appointment for the doctor to visit you, which will be more expensive and may not be covered by OSHC.

    If you cannot come to the College, the doctor will give you a medical certificate that describes what is wrong with you and says how many days you may stay at home. Do not forget to give your medical certificate to the Administration Manager when you return to the College. You keep the original certificate and we will place a copy on your file.

  • Hospitals

    Under OSHC you are covered for accommodation and/or treatment in Public hospitals. This applies whether you need to stay in hospital or are a patient at the hospital’s outpatient clinic or casualty department. Public hospitals throughout Australia have emergency clinics where you can go at any time of the day or night in an emergency. Doctors at the hospital will attend to you. Some specialist costs may not be covered by OSHC.

  • Emergencies

    For all emergencies that are life threatening, dial 000 from your telephone to be attended by the emergency service departments. This includes Fire, Police and Ambulance services, operating 24 hours a day. Please follow the steps below to get assistance as soon as possible.

    • Ask the operator for the service you need
    • Wait to be connected
    • Describe the problem
    • Be aware of your address or be ready to describe your location as clearly as possible.
    • Listen to any instructions given by the operator.
    • Do not hang up until asked to

    Dialling 000 (or 112 from mobiles) is a free call. For general police enquiries please contact a local police station. NOTE: dialling 000 as a prank call or for non-serious events is an offence and you may be in trouble with the police if you do so.

  • Ambulance Service

    Your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) will cover costs for ambulance only when it is used in a state of emergency where medical attention is needed immediately. The costs for an ambulance used for nonemergency medical transport is not covered by OSHC.

  • First Aid/Medical

    If a student is ill or injured on campus and needs help please contact any member of the College staff, as First-Aid cabinets are available on the premises. The College is not permitted to provide or administer medication to any students.

    Students must report all injuries, accidents and near misses to their trainer or a staff member. Students who suffer from a serious illness or allergies or who are required to take medication daily should advise the Student Support Officer for any assistance or special arrangements.

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