
Unique Student Identifier


In April 2012, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to implement the Unique Student Identifier (USI) so students could obtain a complete record of their vocational education and training (VET) enrolments and achievements from a single source.

In order to receive a qualification or statement of attainment, all new and continuing students undertaking nationally recognised VET courses from 1 January 2015 will need to have a USI. The USI is a randomly generated alpha-numeric code which will be recorded against any nationally recognised VET training undertaken and remain with an individual for life.

What does the USI mean for students

A USI can be applied for online at www.usi.gov.au. The USI will enable students to collate their VET achievements into a single transcript and will ensure that their VET records are not lost if their training institution ceases to operate. The USI will not identify individuals, except where a student requests a USI transcript. Study completed prior to 2015 will not be included in the transcript.

Please go to this site for further information about USI

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Win It Like Stephanie

Stephanie Verrall from Paralowie R-12 school completed her Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Salford was awarded SA’s 2020 School-based Apprentice of the Year. Do you want to be like Stephanie?

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Looking For A Quality VETiS Provider?

Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus.

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