
National Cookery Competitions in Australia: Salford Students

National Apprentice Competition
The NAC is a culmination of many apprentice competitions being held throughout the year in each state and territory and includes training chefs in each year of apprenticeship and a culinary students section. The best apprentice from each apprentice year and culinary student section from each state and territory are brought together to compete and decide the overall winners. The numbers of competitors, training schools, culinary educators that the NAC touches is staggering with in excess of 4,000 culinary students and teachers, each with links to industry resulting in exposure to over 10,000 chefs throughout Australia.

Salford College was proud to have our students selected for this event. Jerome Poret as representing the State of South Australia. Another reflection on the great work put by the students, trainers and faculty of Hospitality, and commercial cookery at Salford College.  There was an Immense pride in the college owing to this nomination. Goes without saying that at Salford College the students have great opportunities to shine and be recognised in the industry.

Well done!


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Win It Like Stephanie

Stephanie Verrall from Paralowie R-12 school completed her Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Salford was awarded SA’s 2020 School-based Apprentice of the Year. Do you want to be like Stephanie?

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Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus.

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