
Lunch with Cafe Owners

Salford College hosted morning tea on 19 April for the franchise owners and their families of famous Caffe Primo and Dominos as part of their Industrial Engagement program. Kishore Vadla along with his wife, Shirisha Vadla, owners of 3 Dominos joints in Munno Para, Salisbury and West Lakes were impressed by the quality and service.

“Its an awesome experience to see youngsters working so hard and having a real time experience not less than working for a 5 star hotel. Great effort by the college and admin team who are working on the betterment of students success. Thanks for having us.” – Shirisha Vadla

“Great service and great food, love to be here again.” – Kishore Vadla, Managing Director, Dominos franchise

Primo-and-DominosCaffe Primo franchise owner Shramik Kumar along with wife Shweta and kids enjoyed the variety of the spread.

“It was well organised breakfast buffet. The spread was decorative and promising. Students on the floor serving need to be more confident.It was a pleasure to be here today.” – Shramik Kumar, Director, Caffe Primo franchise

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Win It Like Stephanie

Stephanie Verrall from Paralowie R-12 school completed her Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Salford was awarded SA’s 2020 School-based Apprentice of the Year. Do you want to be like Stephanie?

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Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus.

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