
Job Accelerator Grant Scheme

Job Accelerator Grant Scheme South Australia Government initiative

Businesses that increase their number of South Australian employees will be eligible to receive a Job Accelerator Grant for each additional full-time, part-time and casual employee employed by them and maintained for at least 12 months.

Job Accelerator Grant (JAG) of up to $10 000 ($5000 each year for two years) per new Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) job created is available for businesses liable for payroll tax in SA with total Australian wages of $5 million or less.

Job Accelerator Grant for Small Business & Start-ups of up to $4000 ($2000 each year for two years) per new job created is available for most businesses that are not liable for payroll tax. This includes businesses with Australian wages below the payroll tax free threshold (currently $600 000) and most organisations that are exempt from payroll tax (e.g. public benevolent institution).

Businesses that register a new employee for a JAG will receive up to an additional $5000 if that employee is an eligible apprentice or trainee where the position is also deemed to be eligible for the JAG. The additional $5000 grant for apprentices and trainees will be backdated to 1 July 2016 so businesses that have already hired a new apprentice or trainee are eligible for the additional grant.

Businesses that increase their number of SA employees will be eligible to receive a grant for each additional worker employed by them in a new position between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2018. The grant will be paid at the first and second anniversary date of employment.

Your grant will be distributed over two years – up to $5000 per year – and will be paid at the first and second anniversary date of employment. The additional grant for eligible apprentices and trainees will also be distributed over two years – up to $2500 per year.


Businesses must register a new employee within 90 days of the employee’s commencement date.

Job Accelerator Grant Scheme Fact Sheet

Registrations for the Job Accelerator Grant Scheme can be made vial the following link http://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/grants-and-concessions/jobacceleratorgrantscheme


Businesses can approach Salford College team to assist eligible trainees and apprentices under job accelerator scheme to do their studies for courses with our highly qualified trainers and easily accessible and flexible delivery. All training will be customised to suit the needs of the businesses and employees.

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