
Diwali Celebration 2019

Salford College celebrated Diwali on Thursday 24 October with our staff and students. Diwali is a festival of lights; a celebration of victory of good over evil. The College celebrated with traditional food, like gulab jamun, samosa and by decorating the College campus with lights and floral designs. The holiday is celebrated by more than 1 billion people worldwide, and we are passionate about celebrating the culture of our students. 

Check out our celebration below and on our Facebook page!



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Win It Like Stephanie

Stephanie Verrall from Paralowie R-12 school completed her Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Salford was awarded SA’s 2020 School-based Apprentice of the Year. Do you want to be like Stephanie?

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Salford College offers Vocational Education & Training in School Programs (VETiS) which are held and taught directly on the school sites in addition to the College campus.

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