
COVID-19 vaccinations are free for everyone in Australia, including international students

The Australian Government is committed to ensuring everyone in Australia will have access to the vaccination when it’s their turn – this includes international students who are studying in Australia.
COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status.
Vaccination providers cannot charge students for the COVID-19 vaccine or your appointments to receive the vaccine. If students don’t have a Medicare card, or are not eligible for Medicare, they can get a free vaccination at:

  • a Commonwealth Vaccination Clinic
  • state or territory vaccination clinic.

The vaccine is voluntary, and everyone is encouraged to get a vaccine to help protect the community from COVID-19.

Use the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility checker to find out when and where they can receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
If students need more information, they should call the COVID-19 vaccine helpline on 1800 020 080 or for translating and interpreting services call 13 14 50.

Information Source : https://prisms.education.gov.au/Information/News/News.aspx?NewsId=622&refer=sub

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