
Application Form For Domestic Students

Application Form For Domestic Students

If you a resident of South Australia, please check your eligibility for SA gov funding by clicking the link here

Students need to meet the entry requirements of each course.

Please read the Domestic Student Handbook here

if applying via E-mail, please download the PDF application below and send the completed application to admissions@salfordcollege.edu.au.

Download PDF

To Apply Online, Please fill the form below

Please have digital copies of the following documents ready to attach online to our form, if you choose not to attach the below documents, you will be required to submit them to us at a later date :

Photo ID (should be as current as last 2 years)
Passport, Drivers Licenses, School ID card, proof of age card (issued by services SA)
Any previous academic documents
Centrelink card (if registered)

Online Application Form

Domestic Student Application Form

Please fill in the online application form if you want to apply as a student for any course in Salford College. This form needs to be filled up online.

Please read and agree to the terms and conditions carefully and once you accept them tick the box underneath for going to the application.

Please either attach the documents along with the form or you can submit the documents personally at the enrollment office.

Please read our terms and conditions by clicking here

Personal Details

Guardian Details

Emergency Contact Details

Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a number that identifies you as a student in Australia and that you can provide to any higher education or training organisation you study with.

This is different from your Student ID number. A USI is your lifelong education number and you only need to create it once.

How To Create USI

Creating a USI takes around 5mins. Before you get started, make sure you have handy a form of identification that you can enter (e.g. a drivers license, passport etc)

  • Go to the Unique Student Identifier site
  • click on 'Create a USI' and then 'Get Started';
  • Follow through the steps - along the way the system will ask you for your details and evidence of identity, prompt you to create a password you will use for the USI portal and provide you with your USI.

Note for student: You will find all pre-enrollment information on
our website as well as student handbook. You will be offered a
letter of offer based on the assessment of this application which
will list all terms and conditions of enrolment as well as detailed
fees associated as per the course you apply for (information also
available on website under skills for all). You will be required to sign
an acceptance letter before the enrolment is finalised. You can
discuss your mode of training as well as training plans with the
trainer at any time before enrolment in the course over the phone
or at the college or at the time of acceptance of offer.

Please upload the mandatory document/s below

Please sign the parent/guardian consent form and upload below. click here to download the form

Please sign the participant agreement form and upload below. click here to download the form

Please upload any additional document/s below


Salford College will collect and use your personal information for the purpose of, if applicable, aspects of enrolment,
administration and delivery of the approved course that we are required by law to collect, use and/ or disclose to Government
agencies or others authorized or required by law. Salford College may also disclose your personal information to the relevant
Common wealth or State Government authorities, for the purpose of informing them that you have enrolled in an approved
course, of your completion, non-completion or withdrawal from an approved course, monitoring the service given by us to you
and your satisfaction with our training.

Authorisation and Acknowledgement

I hereby authorise Salford College to:

Use the information provided for statistical, research, programs evaluation and internal management purposes

  • Release information concerning my training record to any relevant government department, to traineeship authorities and
    my employer if I am undertaking traineeship studies.
  • Permission given to Salford College to use any photographic images for use in its marketing campaigns while maintaining
    confidentiality of my personal information.
  • Have access to the information contained in my Training Contract and Salford College enrolment form. I understand that

Salford College will ensure the confidentiality of the information provided. Salford College representative has also supplied and explained the content of the employer and Trainee Information handbook for
the purpose of commencing training, and enhancing my learning experience.

I have read and understand the Privacy Notice, code of practice and Authorization as explained above. I declare that to the best of my
knowledge and belief, that the information on this form is correct and complete.

I have received and read the content of pre-enrolment information.

Selected Units

Payment Amount Due : $  

For Netbank transfer account details are:

BSB                              :   035039
ACCOUNT NO          :   288734

Enquiry Popup Form

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